
Rule Operators

When configuring conditional rules for feature flags, you can use different operators based on the property type.

String Operators

eqExact string matchrole eq "admin"
neqNot equalrole neq "guest"
containsString contains substringemail contains ""
notContainsString does not contain substringplan notContains "free"
startsWithString starts with prefixcountry startsWith "US"
endsWithString ends with suffixdomain endsWith ".edu"
regexString matches regular expressionemail regex "^[a-z]+@.*$"

Number Operators

eqEqual toage eq 21
neqNot equal tologinCount neq 0
gtGreater thanpurchaseCount gt 5
gteGreater than or equal tosubscriptionMonths gte 3
ltLess thanerrorCount lt 10
lteLess than or equal tofailedAttempts lte 3

Boolean Operators

eqEqual toisSubscribed eq true

Rule Groups

Rules can be combined into groups using logical operators:

andAll conditions in the group must matchrole eq "admin" AND subscriptionDays gt 30
orAny condition in the group can matchisTeamMember eq true OR hasBetaAccess eq true

Example Rule Sets

// Single rule
  propertyName: "role",
  propertyType: "string",
  operator: "eq",
  value: "admin",
  thenValue: true
// Rule group with AND logic
  operator: "and",
  rules: [
      propertyName: "subscriptionTier",
      propertyType: "string",
      operator: "eq",
      value: "premium"
      propertyName: "usageCount",
      propertyType: "number",
      operator: "gt",
      value: 100
  thenValue: true
// Rule group with OR logic
  operator: "or",
  rules: [
      propertyName: "isAdmin",
      propertyType: "boolean",
      operator: "eq",
      value: true
      propertyName: "email",
      propertyType: "string",
      operator: "endsWith",
      value: ""
  thenValue: true

When evaluating rules:

  1. Rules are evaluated in order
  2. The first matching rule's thenValue is used
  3. If no rules match, the environment's default value is used